Saturday, February 12, 2011

sYurGa CinTa

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

promotion time!
the best of the best

insha Allah Ustaz Pahrol will come to our IPTI for syurga cinta talk..
Hopefully all IPTIan and other colleges will be able to join this talk (^_^)

afifah and I will be in charge for the food..
IPTIan, don't forget to get yours!

and especially for muslimat.. if you have free time this afternoon around 5 o'clock you can come and join us to clean PKP for VVIP 


Thank you very much to:

director - you did a great job
s/u - you are the best like always
afifah - you are my helpful co-partner, hoping to cooperate with you next time
fiza - congratulation for the banner.. surely, it's the best of the best. congratulation for all the time sacrificed
k.naz, matul, ain, wada, tmah, akin n the rest of the committee members..

May Allah bless all of us
May the program run smoothly,, 

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