Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Learn from Nuri

Salam alaik..

Ok, getting to know Nuri Amani.. She is a little girl, 7 years old.. She studies at Sekolah Rendah Seri Melati.. She is the eldest sister for her younger brother and sister..

Playing with Nuri is one of the best things to do in this world..

& for that day we made bookmarks and card for her mother for Mother's Day..

'ish, lambat gila ang gunting' the writer said..

Suddenly, she just said 'you cannot say like that, didn't you want  to receive gift in the paradise?'

maybe she thinks the writer wanted to mention to the other person that she is crazy.. From the first sight, it looked like it was just a misconception and overgeneralisation toward the statement..

However, it displays the true understanding,,
even the little girl knows that we should talk properly and use the right words..

Just like what the prophet always taught us.. really, saying is a prayer ( ask for the bad things or the good things? ) ask yourself.. (^_^) wallahualam..

كلمة طيبة صدقة
'kata-kata yang baik itu juga adalah sedekah'

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